Today, it’s easy getting your hands on kratom through many kratom vendors online. However, taking it can be a challenge for some since kratom comes with an earthy, sometime pungent, flavor. Paired with a chalky texture, drinking kratom can quickly become an unpleasant experience for many who don’t get along with its taste.
While you can always opt for pills that some kratom vendors online sell, taking kratom as a powder not only allows you to mix your own blend of kratom strains, but also lets you fine tune your dosage. A great way to get around its unpleasant flavors and texture is to create your own kratom drinks that can mask its leafy flavors and give it a whole new flavor that you love.
Here we have 3 kratom drinks that you can try at home with just a few simple ingredients.
Citrus honey kratom tea
Powdered kratom is normally brewed with hot water to make kratom tea. This is the simplest way you can take kratom, but its simplicity also means you get all the natural earthy flavors that come from the kratom leaf.
To make this preparation more enjoyable, you can mix in some citrus and honey to give it a sweet taste with a refreshing aroma. Aside from the taste, the added citrus makes it a good source of Vitamin C while raw organic honey is full of antioxidants and phytonutrients, which help your immune system.
For this kratom drink recipe, all you need are:
- 1 cup of water
- 1 lemon (sliced)
- 1 orange (sliced)
- Kratom powder
- Honey
To prepare, boil 1 cup of water and add a tablespoon (or your normal dosage) of kraom powder into. Heat the mixture on a low flame. After 5 minutes, add the sliced orange and lemon and simmer for another couple minutes. Then, remove the pot from heat and strain the tea into a cup. Add your desired amount of honey and stir until fully mixed. Enjoy the tea hot, or let it cool and add a few ice cubes to enjoy it cold.
Kratom smoothie recipes
Another way to enjoy your kratom is by making it into a smoothie. For the base of our smoothies, we’ll use leafy greens that will also add more nutrients into the drink. Some popular leafy greens are:
- Kale: A nutrient-rich leafy green that contains vitamins A, C, K, B6 and nutrients like manganese, calcium, copper, potassium, and magnesium.
- Spinach: High in vitamins K, A, and C as well as antioxidants
- Arugula: Contains high concentrations of calcium, potassium, and folate. Also gives you vitamins A, C, and K.
For our kratom smoothie recipe, you will need:
- 1 serving kratom powder
- 3 cups fruit of your choice
- 2 cups almond milk or coconut milk
- 2 cups leafy greens
- 1 Tbsp. almond butter or peanut butter
- 1.5 Tbsp. cacao powder
- 1 Tsp. cinnamon
Simply throw all your ingredients together in a blender and enjoy! Feel free to add more milk or water to fine tune the consistency of your smoothie. You can also have fun with the kratom drink recipe and switch up the fruits and leafy greens you use.
Kratom Coffee
If you’re not a fan of tea or smoothies, you can choose to mix your kratom with your morning cup of joe. The effects of kratom and coffee complement each other very well and can lead to an energizing and uplifting drink.
This kratom drink recipe is really simple and all you have to do is add a serving or your normal dosage of kratom to your coffee. It’s important to add the kratom while the coffee is still hot, but not boiling, so the kratom powder fully dissolves and mixes well.
If you’re the type who likes their coffee with milk, you can add that too and it won’t interfere with the kratom.
Preparing kratom is easy, getting it is easier with Dakind botanicals
The good thing about powdered kratom, is that it’s really easy to prepare. You can mix it with any drink, just make sure it’s not boiling so the kratom powder doesn’t denature. Read up on our kratom FAQs if you want to learn more about kratom and how mixable it is.
Want to know where you can get Kratom? Getting your own kratom stash is easier thanks to all the kratom vendors online like Dakind Botanicals. Shop from a range of different kratom strains and products and enjoy the many benefits kratom has to offer today!