Made Fresh to Order
Pickup in Las Vegas Only
Holoholo Kava is movement with roots established in the 9th island. allowing us to share a part of our culture & practices & build stronger commmunties by bringing people together with Kava in las vegas Holoholo means… to go for a walk, ride or sail simply for pleasure. You can order Freshly prepared kava beverages.


Holoholo Kava Community
Maui Strong
Show your support for Maui. $15 Decal packs. Proceeds will be given to the Kumuola.com Maui Relief Programs

Holoholo Kava Community

Aloha Spirit
Dakind Botanicals & Holokava takes every oppurtunity to we can to particiapte in programs that help are community. From partnering with community leaders, charity events, outreach programs etc

Holoholo Kava and Dakind actively engage in local and national events, advocating for the benefits and responsible consumption of kava.