“A deep sense of love and belonging is an irresistible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong. When those needs are not met, we don’t function as we were meant to. We break. We fall apart. We numb. We ache. We hurt others. We get sick.”
— Brené Brown

Being programmed to look outside of ourselves for love, belonging, satisfaction, and even happiness, creates unconscious, perceived lack for what we think is missing. It’s so often in the seeking that we create excess leaks in our personal power. The absence of consciousness is how we give our power away, resulting in an undercurrent of projections, fantasies, thoughts and behaviors that create mental clutter and a belief system that keeps us from our true self and our very soul.
The pandemic is the loss event trauma of our life time. Before and after; pre and post; prior or subsequent, past and future. All sentiments describing the during of an event so radical that we can no longer experience ordinary life in an ordinary way. A lot of people completely changed their life during the pandemic. I had already started that process a couple of years prior, following a car accident. This is all to say that we have profound events, adding to the programming, happening and layering, all the time.
I will be talking about my first sitting with Ayahuasca in throughout this series. You will hear about my personal experience and how this medicine is being integrated into my life. You may even feel called to find out more about the medicine after reading what I have to say. People come to Ayahuasca for all sorts of reasons, but my reason for working with Aya was a rapid route to the depths of the soul. I needed another way to cut through the crap, essentially, with an ancient medicine that has the power to lead us from the unreal to the real.
Ayahuasca actually is, a potent psychoactive brew made by cooking the ayahuasca vine (banisteriopsis caapi) with the leaf of the Chacruna shrub (psychotria viridis). Sometimes other plants make their way into the mixture. Aya is spreading its way from its indigenous home in the Amazon into global, popular culture. Drinking this ancient medicine delivers a powerful, internal experience, generated from stimulating profound emotions and spiritual insights that we have always had access to, but were blocked from. Aya’s purgatory, cleansing effects make way to dispose of the culprit, the unconscious, the mental clutter that’s been in our way.

Indigenous people have worked with Ayahuasca for centuries and consider it to be an intelligent plant spirit. Whether it’s the plant spirit or the brew that triggers our innate wisdom that’s been covered up, Aya has the profound capacity to get the root of psychological and spiritual symptoms and bring light to the source of the issues like; depression, anxiety, addiction or physical issues. Called a spiritual reboot to that can lift us out of our alienated mind.
Some things to know: Ayahuasca is interactive. It’s dynamic. It interacts with your state of mind, as well as, the setting, who’s serving the medicine, the people who have prepared the medicine, as well as, the work you do before and after. Ayahuasca is a serious endeavor and not a quick fix. Starting with the dieta, a whole foods diet, that is mainly plant based foods, free from processing, sugar, and alcohol. No caffeine, supplements, or prescription medication. A withdrawal from media, relationships, and stress. And while the ceremony can deliver moments of bliss and connection, it’s by no means always fun. Starting with the nasty taste of the liquid, a blend of molasses and gasoline, followed bouts of nausea and purging (vomitting and/or emptying the bowels). While waiting to purge, the buried memories and painful emotions can escalate into raw terror. You are supported during this process and the best thing I can tell you is that you have to surrender. If you cannot let go of control, the process will me more difficult.
By Adrianne Read
Executive Producer, Dakind Botanicals
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
—Joseph Campbell