We live in a time when nutrition and fitness are top priorities for people and we see many individuals spending a lot of their time making sure they stay on top of that. We’re cooking our own meals, avoiding junk food and even taking dietary supplements for extra help. Today, most of us are used to the idea that vitamins and minerals are important micronutrients that should be in our diets to maintain a better nutritional balance. So for many, taking a multivitamin tablet or other dietary supplements is part of our everyday routine.
Alongside the growing interest in nutrition is the increased awareness and demand for natural and organic products. Individuals are now trying to avoid processed or synthetic goods, choosing instead an organic option. This trend extends to dietary supplements such as vitamins, which has led to the growth in popularity of botanical supplements. Let’s get into what botanicals are and why you should consider trying them.
What Are Botanicals?
Simply put, botanicals are plant-based supplements with its active ingredients being extracted from plants as opposed to being synthetically created. These organic supplements either provide beneficial vitamins and minerals that are necessary in a balanced nutritious diet or aim to treat medical problems, or utilizes specific compounds found in certain plants to provide relief from symptoms or conditions. These botanicals can provide the same intended relief as over-the-counter medicine. Unlike OTC or prescription medicine though, botanical supplements aren’t just limited to tablets, capsules, or syrups. They can be found as a wide range of products such as powders that you can mix with your favorite drinks, gels that can be applied to the skin, and even as additives to bath water. There may be many different brands or flavors for these supplements, but we mainly identify these botanicals by the name of the plant they’re derived from such as Kratom, Ginseng, and Echinacea.
Why Should I Choose Plant-Based Supplements?
There’s quite a compelling argument for the use of botanicals. Plant-based ingredients and synthetic ones have different chemical structures and are digested and absorbed by the body differently. Since botanicals are derived from plants, their compounds are similar to other natural compounds found in our food. This leads to improved assimilation that can lead to long-lasting relief and less side-effects. In fact, some botanicals are even known to help alleviate side-effects of other pharmaceuticals, such as how Kratom has been shown to help treat opioid addiction and alleviate withdrawal symptoms. It also helps relieve pain the in a similar manner to how opioids work, but with far less negative side effects.
Botanical supplements like Kratom are used by many in the same way they use over-the-counter medicines so you’re assured they’re just as easy to use and there doesn’t need to be a complicated process to prepare them. Kratom, for example comes in either pill form or as a powder that you can turn into tea. This ease of use makes it a viable alternative while enjoying the benefit of a natural product. More and more stores are starting to sell supplements like Kratom so there is no challenge in finding a source for your plant-based supplement needs.
Learning More About Kratom For A Safe and Informed Choice
Many cultures have been using plants and herbs like Kratom as medicines to treat disease and the symptoms of disease and today there is growing awareness of these cultures. Thanks to this, there is now more focus into research to better understand these botanicals and ensure their safety. The industry is learning from these traditional practices and new research to further improve the products that are out in the market. These products are also monitored by the FDA to safeguard from adverse negative events and remove products that prove to be unsafe.
An important part in creating the right plant-based supplements is research in finding the appropriate one for the symptom and understanding how it works. Learning more about botanical supplements grows easier as more and more literature becomes available on its efficacy and there are various resources online where you can learn more. You can do the same as Kratom vendors online, like Dakind Botanicals, also provide resources and information for you to learn more about their products, Kratom, and botanicals in general so you can make an informed decision when purchasing supplements.