We all love Kratom, but let’s be honest: it tastes pretty gross. It’s almost as if it made itself taste this bad just so it’s not too perfect. After all, it can ease all types of pain, soothe your anxieties, help you sleep, give you focus when you need it, and boost your mood and energy. Kratom needs a flaw!
Thankfully, many people have figured out ways to make the wonder plant so much more enjoyable by turning them into delicious candy treats! When you buy Kratom online, you’ll see many edible Kratom products that can provide different effects. Here’s a quick guide to the different types of Kratom sweets out there:
Kratom Candy: Kratom Resin
It might sound like a generic term, but Kratom Candy actually refers to a specific type of Kratom sweet. Kratom Candy is actually Kratom resin, a concentrated form of the Kratom extract. This type of Kratom edible contains a much higher alkaloid content than just normal Kratom powder, making it more potent than your usual experience.
This also means that you need much less to get the desired effects, making it the most cost-effective way to consume Kratom. That being said, because of its high potency, taking Kratom candy requires a lot of care and should be approached by seasoned Kratom users.
In general, Kratom candy or Kratom resin comes in two forms: as a smooth lump or as a chunk of what looks like glass. Kratom candy is created via an alcohol extraction process wherein citric acid is added to raw Kratom extract. Historically, however, native tribes in Southeast Asia would simply boil the Kratom leaves in pure water, allow the water to evaporate, then strain the remaining resin. This is left to dry and harden.
Once you have your resin, you can simply break off tiny pieces and sprinkle it into your choice of ingestion method. Depending on the type of strain used in the resin creation method, regular Kratom candy users describe the taste as somewhere between pleasantly tart, sweet and caramel-y, or pleasantly bitter like dark chocolate.
Kratom Sweets: Kratom Chocolate
Speaking of chocolate, mixing in Kratom with chocolate has been one of the most popular ways to consume Kratom edibles because, well, who doesn’t love chocolate?!
It also makes sense from a pharmacological sense: both Kratom and chocolate contain alkaloids, which, when combined, have a synergistic effect on the brain that triggers more of the feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain, releasing endorphins, enkephalin, serotonin, and even dopamine. The bitter, funky taste of Kratom is often completely negated by chocolates own pleasantly bitter taste.
What’s even better is that the different effects of the different strains react differently in chocolate, resulting in some new and exciting effects for people.
Red Kratom Strains are known for their sedative effect, and mixing it in with chocolate creates a hot chocolate, Christmas-y vibe that boosts mood while slowly lulling users to sleep. The chocolate alkaloids also soften Red Kratoms often potent analgesic effect, allowing users to feel pain relief without any numbing that might happen when some people take high doses of the strain.
Meanwhile, the White Kratom Strain is known for its energy boosting powers and mood boosting effects. Combine this with chocolates natural feel-good effects, and it creates a powerful mood and energy booster that makes it perfect as a midday pick-me-up that doesn’t leave your brain foggy or out of focus.
Green Kratom Strains, on the other hand, are prized for being a perfect mix between red strains sedative effect and white strains energy boosting effects. When mixed with chocolate, it allows users to feel mellow and relaxed while still having enough energy boosting to help your brain focus on what you need to. And it does all that while testing like delicious, delicious chocolate.
Kratom Edibles: Kratom Gummies
Meanwhile, Kratom gummies are one of the most common ways to enjoy Kratom, mostly because Kratom’s natural bitterness actually mixes well with sugar syrup, with the plant tempering sugar syrups harsh sweetness and balancing out everything.
According to many Kratom users, Kratom gummies combine pretty much everything great about Kratom: because it’s slow release, all the effects of Kratom, from sedation and analgesic to mood boosting and energy raising, are felt through the span of a few hours. In fact, Kratom gummies (and, in some cases, Kratom taffy) are usually the preferred Kratom edible for people who want to experience the full spectrum of Kratom’s positive effects but not to its fullest extent. Think of it as window-shopping: you get a bit of the red strain, a bit of the white, and a bit of the green, all in the form of a small, sweet, gummi bear.
Sate Your Kratom Kravings with Dakind Botanicals!
When you buy Kratom online from us, make sure to check out our products shop, where we have a wide array of products and strains, from Kratom gummies and taffy to Kratom powders and pills. We also carry all of the most popular strains of Kratom, from Red Maeng Da and Bali to the powerful Trainwreck strain. Contact us, today, to learn more!