Make Sure You Get the Best Quality Kratom With These Tips

Not every kratom experience is alike, and we want our customers to understand this. For instance, a dose of our Red Maeng Da kratom products won’t provide you the same full-spectrum experience as our Trainwreck kratom products. Some users may prefer smaller doses to give them energy boosts, while others prefer larger doses for tranquilizing effects.

At Dakind Botanicals, no matter what your preference is, the one thing we want all our customers’ kratom experience to be is a good one. And we make sure of this through the quality of our premium-grade kratom sold on our online store. If you’re looking to heighten your experience, here are some tips for taking kratom and how to ensure the best possible experience.

Choose Your Kratom Supplier Carefully

You’ll find plenty of kratom stores and kratom suppliers online, but don’t be fooled into thinking they’re all the same product. For instance, Trainwreck Kratom products on the market vary in recipes, so what’s a potent and refreshing blend in our store may not be the same experience if you try Trainwreck Kratom in other stores.

Kratom stores handle their products differently. At Dakind Botanicals, we ethically source our kratom leaves from its native Southeast Asian countries. We then dry our leaves, process them into powder, and then package it into the product you know and love.

Each batch is tested for potency and purity to ensure our customers get premium-quality kratom powders and capsules for the best experience. Our products are free of contaminants, heavy metals, adulterants, additives, and fillers, so you can be assured that you are consuming 100% pure and all-natural kratom.

Start With A Low Dose

If you’re a first-time user or someone who prefers low doses, we recommend eating a snack or meal before consuming kratom. When you take kratom on an empty stomach, your body is likely to absorb more of kratom’s alkaloids, making its effects more substantial to your body.

Our pure kratom powder and capsule products contain zero fillers and adulterants, which means a little can go a long way. Start with around 2 grams of kratom powder and wait for up to one hour for the effects to kick in.

Once your body has gotten used to kratom, you can start consuming mild doses (2 to 4 grams) to heavy doses (up to 8 grams). We strongly recommend our customers use kratom responsibly, consuming kratom no more than 3 times a week. Otherwise, you may build a tolerance for it and may eventually build a dependency for kratom.

Stay Hydrated

Before and after consuming kratom, remember to drink plenty of water. Like coffee, kratom has dehydrating effects and can make you feel very thirsty if you haven’t had enough water before the effects kick in.
But at the same time, avoid drinking too much water. Not only can excessive water be bad for your body, but it can also weaken the potency of your kratom.

Find Which Method Works For You

There are various ways of consuming kratom. We recommend our customers try various ways to take kratom to find what works best for them. A few of them include:


Swallowing kratom powder whole

Simply measure out your desired dose of kratom powder, swallow it, and follow with water or another drink. It’s the fast and straightforward method, though those who do not like the earthy and bitter flavor of kratom may not like this method.

Steep into a tea

Put kratom in a tea egg or coffee filter and steep in boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. The longer you leave your kratom to steep, the more potent the tea. The ideal method for people who like tea and hot beverages.

Kratom capsules

Our kratom capsules are pre-measured average doses that make it easier to avoid tasting the kratom before ingesting it. Perfect for the no-frills and practical users who want to experience kratom on-the-go.

Kratom in food

You can add kratom to any food or beverage you consume. It’s great for those who don’t want to consume kratom on an empty stomach.

    Learn More About Kratom With Dakind Botanicals

    At Dakind Botanicals, we believe that adults should have the right to make informed choices about what they consume. More and more adults in the United States are recognizing the potential benefits kratom can give them, and we believe that being informed about kratom can lead to responsible usage.

    Want to learn more things to know about kratom? Visit our FAQ page to stay informed about responsible kratom consumption in your area.

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