You’re here because you’ve heard about the wonderful effects of kratom in the body. Whether you’re going through something and need more information about it or simply curious about this substance, here at Dakind Botanicals, we’re here to provide you with the information you need.
At Dakind Botanicals, we believe that all of our customers have a duty to use kratom responsibly. To help you understand this substance better, we’ve provided a list of the most common kratom strains and their known effects. But first, let’s delve deeper into what kratom is.
What Is Kratom?
Kratom is a tree that grows naturally in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. Its scientific name is Mitragyna speciosa. It contains the stimulant mitragynine and the narcotic 7-hydroxymitragynine, and has been touted as an alternative approach to pain management. Kratom’s active ingredient, mitragynine, is found in its leaves. At lower doses, mitragynine has energizing effects. At higher doses, it has sedative effects.
Where Is Kratom Used?
Kratom is used as an alternative medication to chronic pain and other related health conditions. Others use kratom for depression and anxiety. Although evidence suggests that some strains of kratom can alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety, there have been no concrete studies that prove this. Our customers are therefore urged to use kratom with caution.
There are many different strains of kratom. In this article, we’ll discuss a few of the most commonly known strains and kratom effects.
Common Kratom Strains And Their Known Effects
Bali/Red Vein
Bali or Red Vein kratom is the most popular strain among all other types because of its calming properties. It’s reddish in color and believed to provide effective pain relief. This strain is perfect for someone who wants to relax and feel calm for the rest of the day. It may help relieve pain-related conditions, such as depression or chronic pain.
Red Vein contains as many as 25 alkaloids including 7-hydroxy mitragynine, Mitragynine, mitraphylline, speciogynine, and 9-hydroxycorynantheidine. As a result, it is highly effective in relaxing your senses and elevating your mood.
Maeng Da
Maeng da refers to several types of strong and long-lasting kratom. This strain originated in Thailand, but Indonesian and Malaysian maeng da strains are also available. Maeng da can be green, red, or white in color.
It is said to act as a stimulant, increasing energy while also inducing feelings of well-being and reducing pain. Like many other strains of kratom, maeng da also offers great pain-relieving properties. Taking this strain also helps improve mood. If you are seeking a stimulant, this strain may be the one for you.
Borneo kratom comes from Borneo. It has red, green, and white vein varieties. Compared to other strains, Borneo kratom is considered to have a more sedating effect. It may be used to treat anxiety and stress. It offers pain relief and relaxation. Among this strain’s benefits are mood boosting, pain management, stress busting, and offering a sense of well-being.
The highly potent Red Borneo is not only rich in medicinal properties but also high in euphoria. The mature leaves are packed with fine quality alkaloids that stick to the opioid receptors in your body allowing you to relax and calm down easily.
Trainwreck Kratom is a relatively new product. Unlike most of the strains in the market, Trainwreck Kratom is less of a strain and more of a blend. While the recipe for Trainwreck Kratom varies between stores, at Dakind Botanicals, our blend is made with 11 top-shelf kratom strains.
Our special kratom blend consists of 11 premium-grade strains, including popular favorites like Bali, Green Malay, Maeng Da, and White Thai. A mix of all these strains (and more!) ensure you get an unforgettable experience that’s unlike any other in the market.
Now That You’re Familiar With The Strains…
Before anything else, it’s important to check with your state laws if kratom is legal in your area. Visit our FAQ section and check out our list and see if you can legally have our kratom products shipped safely and conveniently to your doorstep.
If you’re looking for kratom that promises potency with every dose, Dakind Botanicals has the top-shelf kratom you’re looking for. Buy kratom online here at Dakind Botanicals, where we offer top-shelf kratom at competitive prices.
Our business ensures that all of our kratom products are ethically produced while still bringing the unparalleled quality our customers deserve. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we test every batch of kratom we make to ensure you’re getting your money’s worth with all of our products.