Understanding the Kratom Growth and Production Cycle

What’s the secret to providing top-quality kratom products? One of the reasons for our potent kratom products is the kratom plants we use to harvest leaves to be processed into kratom powder. When you’re working with the best, it’s no surprise the level of quality and excellence that come with Dakind Botanicals’ kratom.

But where does it all begin? Before they’re put into the best online kratom store in the United States, our kratom comes from plants that go back all the way to Southeast Asia. If you’re curious to learn more about how kratom is grown, produced, and processed into the kratom products you know and love, keep reading to find out more.

Kratom: How It’s Grown & Harvested

Kratom comes from the Mitragyna speciosa tree. This is a tree that’s part of the coffee family that’s native to several countries in Southeast Asia and Oceania, particularly in hot and humid tropical rainforests. The Mitragyna speciosa is an evergreen tree, meaning its leaves can survive green year-round, though it cannot survive in colder temperatures.

Kratom can be grown outside of Southeast Asia and Oceania, however it is extremely difficult to match the natural climate it survives in. Because it cannot survive in colder climates, kratom is usually grown from countries like Indonesia and Thailand and imported to countries like the United States.

Not all kratom trees are alike, as they can produce leaves in varying sizes, colors (red, white, and green), and potent substances that give kratom products its unique features. Certain factors like genetics, age, and sunlight can affect the growing stage. The best kratom farmers know how to check their kratom at different stages of maturity and when to best harvest leaves depending on its potency and alkaloid composition for the best potency. These leaves are picked and collected and then ready for the next step of processing.

Processing Kratom Leaves into Powder

After being picked, kratom leaves are then washed with running water. This removes any debris, dirt, or any contaminants that can contaminate kratom powder once the leaves are processed. Next, the leaves are placed onto large racks to dry indoors or under the sun. During this step, the composition of substances of the kratom can change and affect the type of strain sold.

After the leaves are dried, kratom farmers then grind the leaves into the kratom powder. This is then packed and shipped to other countries where kratom can be sold.

Turning Kratom Powder into a Product

We ethically source our kratom from Southeast Asia and comes free of additives, fillers, and any contaminants or adulterants. We then use our imported powder to create our signature potent blends: Bali, Red Maeng Da, and Trainwreck. Each batch is tested for purity and potency to ensure our customers get the best experience with every dose.

Next, we package our kratom into the different forms that our customers use: powder, capsule, gummies, and taffy. For those who want the versatility of consuming kratom in various ways, we sell pure kratom powder in three sizes: 160 grams, 320 grams, and one kilogram. These can be added to your food and drinks depending on your tolerance and how potent you want your dose to be. Alternatively, those on the go who want convenient pre-measured doses can easily take kratom capsules instead. We also have fruit-flavored gummies and citrus cherry-flavored taffy for those with a sweet tooth.

How We Give Our Customers the Best Kratom Experience

From growth to production, we take steps to ensure that our customers get nothing less than potent kratom that can give them an unparalleled experience. We don’t sacrifice quality for quantity and take steps to ensure our ethically-sourced kratom comes pure without any contaminants, heavy metals, or fillers that can degrade your experience.

For every batch of kratom blend we produce at Dakind Botanicals, we spend time, money, and energy to ensure the products our clients get are not only safe, but also effective. We test each batch before packaging and putting them up for sale on our online kratom store to ensure that our products that end up on your doorstep gives you the full experience you’re meant to have to truly appreciate what kratom can do for your lifestyle.

Learn More About Kratom with Dakind Botanicals

The process of turning kratom leaves into our products is a long one, but we take steps to ensure our customers get the product they expect from our business. At Dakind Botanicals, we’re more than just a kratom online store – we’re a team that promotes what kratom can do for its users when used in its purest form. Visit our FAQs to learn more about kratom and how it can change your lifestyle.

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